Shareholder Information

Dividend information and history

Our dividend policy is to target an increasing distribution per share over time within a pay-out ratio of approximately 20-40% of full-year distributable earnings. Distributable earnings is net profit after tax excluding any fair value gain/loss on investment properties.

Dividends are declared at the Board’s discretion and depend on our financial performance. The payment of dividends is not guaranteed, and our dividend policy may change over time. In declaring dividends, Winton must comply with the solvency test under the Companies Act

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Winton listed?Collapsed
What is Winton’s financial year?Collapsed
Who are Winton’s auditors?Collapsed
Who maintains Winton's share register?Collapsed
How can I change my investor details, eg name, address, payment method?Collapsed
How can I obtain a copy of Winton's Annual Report?Collapsed
When are dividends paid?Collapsed
What is the Dividend pay-out ratio?Collapsed
Is there a Dividend Reinvestment Plan?Collapsed

Investor Contacts

Share Registry

For all shareholding information, including holdings, registered shareholder information, annual report preferences, visit MUFG Corporate Markets using the contact information below:

MUFG Corporate Markets

Level 12, 680 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Locked Bag A14
Sydney South NSW 1235
P: +61 1300 554 474 (toll free within Australia)
F: +61 2 9287 0303
mpms.mufg.comOpens in new window

New Zealand
Level 30, PwC Tower
15 Customs Street West
Auckland 1010
P: 09 375 5998
+64 9 375 5998 (International)
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Investor Relations

For more information about Winton, please contact:

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